It's hot as hell in Texas. The more water I can get, the better! This juice is hydrating, detoxifying, and OH so refreshing. All three ingredients are excellent diuretics and may also be healers of high blood pressure. Cucumbers in particular are high in water and contain sterols, which may help the heart by reducing cholesterol.

3 Celery stalks
1 Apple (red delicious)
1/2 Cucumber
Optional: 1 tsp of Cayenne pepper

I'm always happily surprised when I see my juice's amazing vibrant colors! Only nature can produce somethin' this pretty. Wish the picture did it justice :-P

I've got a love/hate relationship with cayenne. It's healing powers are vast: stimulant, tonic, carminative, diaphoretic, antiseptic, antibacterial, etc. But it's a taste you definitely need to acquire! It's got a big kick and at first, made my stomach hurt for a little while after. Do NOT use if you have IBS or are pregnant! Usually I purchase cayenne straight from those bucket-y things next to the produce aisle at Whole Foods. They were out the last time I was there so I had to buy this Simply Organic brand, not bad.
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